In 2019, the Center For Renewable Energy Sources (CRES) conducted a tender and launched a call for offers concerning the provision of the service entitled: “Planning and implementation of actions for the capitalization of the results of the SHERPA project, on national and European level”. This service was included in the framework of the realization of the Project SHared knowledge for Energy Renovations in buildings by Public Administrations (“SHERPA”) of the Interreg MED 2014-2020 Project, which was co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and by national resources (Public Investment Program). MES ENERGY was selected for the above purpose, as it presented the most economical offer, based on an optimal value for money, and signed the corresponding contract with CRES on November 13, 2019. CRES participated as a Partner and coordinator of Work Package 5 (Capitalization), in the European Project “SHERPA”. 12 Partners from 6 Mediterranean countries (Spain, France, Italy, Greece, Malta, Croatia) and 12 “Supporting” Partners participated in the aforementioned Project. The Project, contributing to the transnational cooperation on the improvement of energy efficiency of public buildings, aimed at strengthening the capacity of Public Authorities on a regional and local level in the Mediterranean Countries, in order to energy upgrade public buildings, by emphasizing the importance of coordinated activity between regional and local authorities, in line with national policies.
The actions of the Project were structured around five Packages, the last of which is the Capitalization, i.e. “the organization of information concerning the implementation of programs, projects, their results and the methods used, so that the accumulated experience can be used in other programs or projects”. The objectives of the Capitalization included the development of an online platform and the preparation of the Joint Action Plan of the SHERPA Project. According to the contract, MES ENERGY S.A.undertook the provision of services of planning, implementation and monitoring of the activities of capitalization of the results of the SHERPA Project, on a national and European level. In more detail, the company initially undertook the preparation of the Capitalization Plan and the results of the SHERPA Project in the participating countries in the Mediterranean and Europe in general. Additionally, the company undertook the mobilization of target groups, especially from the 6 countries involved in SHERPA, to actively participate in capitalization activities, such as joining the Joint Action Plan, participating in Regional workshops relevant to the project, and other events concerning energy saving in buildings, subscribing and using the online capitalization platform of the project, etc. Finally, MES ENERGY S.A. undertook the design, implementation, coordination and operation of an online platform containing both the Online Capitalization Forum, aiming at networking, technical expertise exchange and developing synergies, on a Mediterranean level, regarding the energy efficiency of public buildings, by using the results of the SHERPA Project, as well as four Capitalization Set of Toolkits, that consist a “library” of useful tools and information available to anyone concerned on energy upgrade of buildings.