“COACHING in Neutral Hydrogen for GREEN Industry” and acronym “COACHING GREEN” implemented through the EEA Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 (EEA and Norway Grants 2014 – 2021), under the “Business Innovation Greece” programme with Innovation Norway as grant manager.


MES Energy S.A. is pleased to announce the completion of the research project entitled “COACHING in Neutral Hydrogen for GREEN Industry” and acronym “COACHING GREEN”. The project “COACHING in Neutral Hydrogen for GREEN Industry” was implemented through the EEA Financial Mechanism 2014-2021 (EEA and Norway Grants 2014 – 2021), under the “Business Innovation Greece” programme with Innovation Norway as grant manager.

The role of the Project Promoter was assumed by MES Energy SA with Heron Engineering as a partner.

Coaching Green aims to strengthen the business development capacity of the two participating companies, which have already developed innovative activities recently in the green economy and wish to “train” themselves further through innovative coaching activities. The main objective of the project is to familiarise the public with the opportunities arising from the increasing use of environmentally friendly hydrogen to meet energy needs, in the context of the European and national climate neutrality targets for 2050.

In the framework of the programme, four workshops were organised in January 2024 with the main theme of enhancing environmental sustainability through key innovation areas of the “Green Economy”.

More specifically, the workshops covered:

  • Hydrogen applications in storage projects (16/01/2024)
  • Hydrogen Case Studies in Europe and Greece (17/01/2024)
  • Hydrogen Technologies in Buildings and Social Impacts (18/01/2024)
  • Hydrogen applications in the transport sector (18/01/2024)


In addition, the platform www.coahing-green.eu was created to develop the network, research and innovative ideas for hydrogen applications and to promote collaborations between all stakeholders.

For the last deliverable, three Educational Guides on Green Hydrogen Technologies were created entitled: “The EU Framework”, “Building Applications” and “Economy and Society”.

Business Innovation Greece is one of the many projects implemented in Greece and funded by Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein through the European Economic Area (EEA) Financial Mechanism, also known as “EEA Grants”. The total amount of funding available to Greece through the EEA Financial Mechanism amounts to €116.7 million for the current funding period (2014 – 2021).

Business Innovation Greece aims to increase value creation and sustainable growth in the Greek business sector by contributing to the introduction of more innovation in products, services and processes.

The Programme also aims to stimulate and develop long-term business cooperation between companies in Greece and institutions from the Donor Countries (Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein).


  • COACHING in Neutral Hydrogen for GREEN Industry
  • EEA and Norway Grants
  • Business Innovation Greece