Establishment of an Energy Community in the Municipality of Heraklion, Crete

Establishment of an Energy Community in the Municipality of Heraklion, Crete

The Municipality of Heraklion and the supervised legal entities present high electrical consumption in its infrastructure, including schools, buildings, lightning clocks, pumping stations etc, and have high yearly expenses due to this consumption. The main objective of the Municipality concerns the reduction of electricity costs, as well as the treatment of energy poverty of vulnerable consumers or citizens within its territory. The establishment of an Energy Community in which the Municipality participates contributed to this end and allowed the utilization of possibilities provided by Ν.4513/2018, as well as, through the synergy with other Local Authorities, Legal Entities or citizens, the installation of RES stations. Therefore, in 2019, the Municipality launched a call concerning the “Support in the creation of an Energy Community, based on Ν.4513/2018, with the participation of the Municipality and the preparation of funding proposals, with the aim to utilize Renewable Energy Sources and reduce costs for the Municipality and the citizens”. ME
According to the contract, the company undertook the provision of scientific, technical and administrative support to the Municipality in the investigation of specific proposals for the creation of an Energy Community. In more detail, MES ENERGY S.A. undertook the recording of cases of examination and the collection of consumptions, the recording of possibilities for the installation of RES systems, the recording of business models, the support of the Municipality in contacts with other entities, the draft statutes of the Energy Community, the creation of informational material and the support of the Municipality in informing citizens about the Energy Community. In this way, MES ENERGY S.A. contributed in the partial covering of the Municipality’s energy needs, in the offer of facilities to citizens below the poverty line, while at the same time it promoted the reduction of electricity expenses used in the municipal installations and the reduction of the Municipality’s carbon footprint. Finally, it is worth noting that a study for the installation of PV systems with a total power of 2450 kWp in the Municipality resulted in significant CO2 emission savings of up to 125,715 tonnes, during 25 years of operation.
